Subscribers to the Time and Attendance features will need to set up Permission levels for their employees. The different Permission types will unlock various levels of access in Personelle for each employee.
How to set up permissions in Time & Attendance:
- Select Settings from the quick links menu then select Permissions.
- Select ‘Manage Permissions’ for Time & Attendance.
- Time & Attendance has three different permission levels: Admin, Supervisor, and Employee
- Admins will be able to perform all functions within the application for all employees within the company including viewing and editing all employee attendance, scheduling and time data. Admins will also have access to manage time off policies including setting up accrual configuration and managing employees within the policies.
- Supervisors will be able to manage time off request, time cards, and scheduling for only their direct reports.
- Employees will be able to request time off for themselves, view their time bank information, view their time card information, if applicable, and view only their schedule, if applicable.
- On the lower half of the Time & Attendance permissions page, you can view the employees within each permission.
- Tip: Use the search bar to quickly find an employee
- Select the edit icon to update their permission level.
- Use the ‘Assign Permissions in Bulk’ option to conveniently assign multiple employees to a permission level all at once.
Note: All staff must be assigned a Role in this Time & Attendance permission setting in order to unlock the Time & Attendance features. If an employee has no role assigned, then their dashboard will be mostly blank.
When assigning Admins and Supervisor permission roles, be sure to assign the role in both Time & Attendance and Employee Records permission settings.