To download time data for a set pay period(s), you may use the Approved Hours report. This report documents the hours worked and time off hours for hourly employees.
The report details the following information:
- Employee ID
- Last Name
- First Name
- Department
- Location
- Status
- Regular Hours
- Overtime Hours PTO
- Vacation
- Sick
- Total Hours
- Gross Approved Regular Pay
- Gross Approved Overtime Pay
- Gross Approved Total Pay
- Overall Totals
To access this report, please do the following:
- Navigate to Reports
- Select ‘Approved Hours’
- Choose the period start
- Choose the period end
- Select All or some employees
- Select ‘Download Report’
- Note: The Approved Hours Report will only show data for time sheets that have been approved and will not show information on approved time off requests. To view time off request data, please review the article on How To Download Time Off Requests.