Manage your timesheets, time clock access and overtime rules in the Time Clock configuration settings. On the main navigation menu, expand the Time and Attendance menu, then select Configuration. From there, select Time Clock.
Submitting Timesheets
Choose the frequency you want your employees timesheets to be submitted. Current options include weekly, biweekly, and monthly.
You can select how many days you want to give supervisors to approve timesheets.
Note: Timesheets will be auto-approved after the selected number of days if the supervisor does not manually approve it.
Note: While supervisors have access to manage the timesheets of their direct reports, the business owner and users with admin level permissions also have access to all employees. Any employees without a direct manager can have their timesheet approved by the Owner and Admins.
Click on Change Time Period to configure the time sheet time periods.
Note: If you change the time period, the new time period will begin after the current time period ends.
Who Can Clock In And Out
Choose which Payroll types can access the time clock. You can customize to allow time clock access to specific Payroll types like Hourly, Salary, Commission or Volunteer employees or choose to allow access to all Payroll types.
Note: Employees must have a payroll type selected in their directory profiles and must be assigned a role in the Time & Attendance permission settings to access the time clock features.
Overtime Rule
Record any overtime of employee hours by configuring overtime rules. If a user clocks more than selected number of hours, it will considered overtime. You can then manage the pay rate amount for reporting purposes.
Note: You can input a custom pay rate by selecting the ‘Add your own’ option.
Enable Timesheets
Configure which employees you want to have timesheets here. Currently you must enable timesheets for All Employees but soon you will be able to specify which employees you want to enable timesheets for.