Account Owners and Admins can create weekly schedules for the business and Supervisors can create schedules for their Direct Reports. To create a schedule or add a shift to an existing schedule, select the Scheduling tab from the main navigation menu.
1. Select the desired time frame for your schedule and then click on the ‘Add a shift’ button or select a date directly within the calendar. Then the 'Add Shift' modal will come up.
2. Select Schedule: If you have multiple shift titles, you can select which one you want to add the new shift to here.
3. Employee: Select which employee you wish to assign the current shift, you can select multiple employees at a time if they will be working the same shift. Select Unassigned to create the shift without an employee attached and assign an employee to the shift at a later time, you can also adjust the number of unassigned shifts you will be adding as well by clicking on the + or - symbols.
4. Shift Label: Select the desired shift label here. You can customize the shift labels to fit the needs of your business.
5. Calendar: Select the date you wish to add the shift to.
6. Shift Times: Select what time the shift should start, end and the length of the shifts break time.
Note: Select All Day if shift will be the full day.
7. Comment Field: You may leave an optional comment if desired.
8. Select Save.
Once saved, you will see the shift on the calendar. It’ll be easy to recognize based on the color of the chosen shift schedule.
Don’t forget to publish if you are done adding shifts!
Overlapping Schedules:
As a precaution, a warning notification will be visible when scheduling an employee with overlapping shifts. However, you can still schedule overlapping shifts for employees if desired.
Publishing A Schedule:
After a schedule is created or a shift is added, it will not be visible to any employees assigned to the shifts until it is published. Publishing the schedule will post it in Personelle and you can select to push a schedule notification email to any impacted employees.
1. To Publish a schedule, click on the Publish button at the bottom of the schedule.
2. A summary window will open up showing the number of shifts in the current schedule, total hours and total shift labels selected. You can also select to notify impacted team members via email of any shifts they were assigned or choose to publish the schedule without sending any notifications. When done making your selections, click Publish.
Note: If any changes are made to an already published schedule, you must publish the schedule again after you finish making any needed adjustments. The publish button will reappear at the bottom of the schedule after any edits are made.
Creating A Schedule Template:
After a schedule is created and published, it can be saved as a Template for quick duplicating when building future schedules.
1. Find the schedule you wish to save as a template and click on the three dot ellipsis symbol next to the Add A Shift button. Then click 'Save As A Template'.
2. A window will open allowing you to give the template a title so you can easily identify the schedule later. Name the template and click Save.
Using A Template To Create A Schedule:
After a schedule template is saved, it can be used to quickly reproduce the same shifts into a new weeks schedule. You can choose to add in the same employees that were assigned in the original schedule or to add the shifts as unassigned.
1. In the scheduling tab, my team view, find the week you wish to populate a schedule in and click on the three dot ellipsis symbol next to the Add A Shift button. Then click on Use A Template.
2. In the window that opens up, use the Select Template drop down menu to select the schedule title you wish to post the shifts in. You can also select if you want the same employees added into the new schedule or to copy only the shifts without employees assigned. Make your selections and click Copy Template when done.
3. Your saved template should then populate into the schedule.
Note: Don't forget to publish the schedule when all done.
Editing A Shift
Existing shifts can be edited whenever needed. You can adjust the schedule title, employee assigned to the shift, shift label, date and time frame of the shift.
1. To edit an existing shift, find the shift in the scheduling calendar and click on it.
2. The edit shift window will open and allow you to make any needed adjustments.
3. You can also select Delete Shift to cross out the shift from the current schedule.
Clearing A Schedule
You can quickly clear a whole weeks schedule if ever needed so you can easily start over.
1) In the scheduling tab, team schedule view, click on the three dot ellipsis symbol next to the Add A Shift button.
2) Then select Clear Schedule.
3) A window will open allowing you to notify any impacted team members of the schedule change or you can select to not send any notifications. After making your selection, click on Clear Schedule.